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29.11.21 12:22 nani666 changed location
30.10.19 05:56 nani666 changed nickname, old was NaniVengeance.
25.07.18 13:40 nani666 has been member for 10 years and_was_rewarded_trust
10.06.17 11:38 nani666 changed profile picture.
23.10.16 06:15 nani666 voted on poll Kumpi päällä?
02.08.13 00:15 nani666 rated images
Athornagar RoKKiKaNa Athornagar
25.07.13 11:57 nani666 has been member for 5 years and was rewarded with VIP-package!
18.02.12 23:56 nani666 changed profile picture.
18.02.12 23:55 nani666 changed profile picture.
20.10.10 15:45 nani666 changed nickname, old was nanie.
17.05.10 15:17 nani666 joined community I Love KittyKitty
20.03.10 06:47 nani666 changed profile picture.

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